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Alumni Spotlight: Desiree Delia, Medical Esthetician at Dr. Dennis Gross

CV Esthetics Alum, Desiree Delia, Medical Esthetician at Dr. Dennis Gross

Alumni Spotlight on Esthetics grad, Desiree Delia! Opens up about her career change during an uncertain time that turned the world upside down. While it was not an easy journey, Desiree shares how she patiently persevere and forged her own path in the beauty industry. She went from graduating during a global pandemic to becoming a medical esthetician for skincare brand Dr. Dennis Gross! Desiree understands that in order to nourish our minds and advance our careers we must continue to learn, something she learned during her time at CV. Today she is working on developing her own online education platform in hopes of helping others benefit from continuing education.

  1. What specialty(s) did you study during your time at CV? During my time at CV, I studied Esthetics and have been continuing education courses as an alum.
  2. What year did you graduate? 2020
  3. What are you doing now? Currently working as a medical esthetician for Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare and building on my own online education platform and practice.
  4. What was your journey like to get to your current role? Graduating and switching careers in the middle of a pandemic did not make looking for work easy! It took 6 months to find my first break and get into a role that would actually get me some experience. Then after that, it took me an additional 5 months to land the role I’m in now opening a flagship clinic in NYC for Dr. Dennis Gross. One thing about the esthetics industry is you need the experience to get the roles you want at legendary spas or medical practices so that can be trying on your patience but it will come.
  5. What was your favorite part about your time as a CV student? The experience of learning something new alongside others who are experiencing it for the first time as well.
  6. What is something you learned during your time at CV that has stuck with you today? The skincare industry is a great place to be. The learning never ends and you can go in any direction you wish and still make it your own. Being an esthetician is not just about treating someone’s skin it’s about learning the skin and changing/enhancing it for the better.
  7. Do you have any advice for someone who is considering a beauty education? Go for it! Beauty education is more than skin deep and having your education will open so many doors for you.
  8. Do you have any wise words for students who are about to graduate and look for their first professional job in the industry? Don’t get discouraged!! We are still in uncertain times, keep pushing for what you want.
  9. What CV product is always in your inventory or on your shelf? Cellular mask! My all-time favorite nourishing/anti-aging mask. Can be worn overnight if needed.

Our ultimate goal is to provide our students with a strong foundation upon which to grow a flourishing career. Marina Valmy, our leader, calls this a “root system,” and it’s why our success as educators is embodied by the successes of our alumni. To celebrate this, we feature the achievements of our fabulous graduates in our Alumni Spotlight series. Each Spotlight showcases an interview with a Christine Valmy graduate about their educational and professional journeys. 

As part of our educational philosophy, we aim to provide thought leadership on topics relevant to industry professionals and those with a passion for beauty. Click here to visit our Educated Insights homepage to learn trends, tutorials, industry news, and tips for at-home care and spa treatments.